Adding to the list of flying car that have gone under production viz. Gyrocopter and the Terrafugia Transition, today we are here to welcome a new entrant. Still a concept, this flying car by Milner Motors AirCar is set to be officially introduced by the end of this month at the prominent New York International Auto Show.Urbanized by Jim Milner, the Aircar is an absolutely self-contained four door, four seat advanced-composite road-able aircraft (flying car) that comes packed with foldable main wing attached in the rear of the vehicle with canard in front. You can take a ride in air or on road by elegantly folding up the wings. The Aircar claims to make a tour at 200 mph for up to 1,000-miles. Its power is driven from two rotary engines along with a separate 40 horsepower engine. Weighing3, 000 pound, this car can be yours if you have a heart to shell out $450,000.